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Fun with CodeIgniter 1.7.0

14 Jan 2009

I've been working with CodeIgniter 1.7.0 and PHP a lot more lately in my "off-hours" and I'm really enjoying it. I find I enjoy programming with PHP much better than I do with VB .NET. Despite the fact that I like some aspects of VB.NET I still have more control with PHP and CodeIgniter. Even though I hate PHP's syntax for object oriented programming. (That is a rant for another day.)

Major bonus points go to CodeIgniter because it is Open Source. I had a problem with a feature and some lacking documentation, so I dissected it and gained a vast understanding for it in a matter of minutes. Access to the source of an application / module / program is essential to extending it, and in my case, working with it is easier with a heightened understanding.

So I think I'm going to try to work more with CodeIgniter in the future. I might start writing some Tutorials on it in the future.

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