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Mike Monteiro Shares his Client Services Wisdom

07 Mar 2014

Mike Monteiro is full of wisdom relating to client services in the Internet Age. He recently shared some of it in a talk at An Event Apart Austin. His talk is full of great bits of knowledge.

Here are some great examples:

  • “Never work for someone you can't say no to.”
  • “You have no right to complain about somebody else doing work you weren't doing.”
  • “You are responsible for the shit you put into the world.”
  • “We need to recognize the power that we have to change things. [...] And we need to recognize that with that power comes the responsiblity to do things right and the responsibility to do the right thing.”

One of my favorite talks from Mike is entitled F*ck You Pay Me. Here's a hint, it is about how to structure contracts so you don't get screwed.

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